Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Last Piece

Chef Donald

            Donald is a boy who respects his father and most of the time is truthful to him. When wild horses come around and Donald sees them, he is suppose to tell is father so they and some other men from town can go round them up.
            One day, Donald saw a pack of wild horses and told his father so they can go group them together for money. So at the beginning of the gathering it was easy, but during the end when they were trying to catch the biggest and fattest one a guy got scratched by a branch because of the horse when it started acting chaotic. After that the horse started to kick the men with its hooves. Since a couple of the guys brought guns, they naturally started shooting at the horse. The horse was shot in the head and died instantly. Donald took home the meat for his mom to cook for their family and friend dinner later that evening.
            When Donald got home around lunch, he gave the horse meat to his mom for later. His mother then gave him a big smooch on the forehead and said thank you sweetie. Donald didn’t like the big kiss so he told his mom to stop treating him like a little kid. His mom said just go get ready for tonight while she helps his little sister.
            A half an hour later Donald is all ready for the dinner, his mom isn’t because she is having a hair crisis. Donald’s mom told him to cook the horse for this evening and to just read te recipe. So as he is reading the recipe he drops it in the sink while the water was running. Now he has to come up with a recipe by himself.
            He takes the horse meat and puts it into a pan with some cut up mushrooms and family seasoning with some carrots as well. he let it cook for an hour and ten takes it out to check on it and it was done. He never tasted it but it looked good so he put it on a fancy plate and took a baser and put some of the juice from the pan and poured it on top. He sat it down in the middle of the table and then set the table with the silverware, plates, napkins and a glass of water.
            His mom was finally done getting ready just in time for the people to show up. Once everyone got there they sat ate dining room table to eat. When they got their food they all took a bit of the horse and loved it. Everyone was asking what was in the horse and Donald said it’s a secret. Everyone loved it so much there weren’t any leftovers of tat big horse.
            The mayor was at the table and said stop by my office tomorrow I would like to give you something. So Donald did that with his family the next day. As he was going into the building he saw a huge crowd in the back of the building so he was wondering what was going on. He went in the mayor’s office and sat in a chair while his family was waiting out in the lobby. The mayor said we would like to present you with this award of best chef!
            The mayor told Donald to come with him and Donald did what he said. They went in the back for a surprise celebration. Donald was also awarded with $5,000 which made him a happy man. Now he can pay for the rest of the farm and go on vacation as well.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Patriotism Essay

            Patriotism to me is someone that serves their country in a superior way like one who goes pick garbage off the street and doesn’t liter.  Someone who doesn’t steal items and go to jail, in other words a criminal. Patriotism is when one devotes them to keep their surroundings in good shape.
            Patriotism is bigger than some people, like people who one in jail for doing bad things, such as burglaries. “   Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.”  I quote Mark Twain because when he is saying this is reality, like when Malcolm X commented “You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter who says it.” And to be truthful patriotism still matters, because of how people act today, we need patriots in this world. Without patriots our world would be a bad place. There would be more people with bad examples. So then the kids will be worst kids than today but obviously today’s kids are the better ones or at least most of the kids are.
            Patriotism is when great people who serve their country by being an amazing citizen. The world is all ready a hazardous place without everyone being patriots. I can’t imagine what it would be like with no patriots. It would most likely be a worst economy because of all the dreadful people and there would be a bigger effect of global warming in an awful way. So practically the world would be in the pits shape. I guess you would certainly say that’s ruthless. Because what sick person would say a world without patriots is good. I hope the only reason why a person would say that is because their sick like mentally sickness because that would be a horrible place to live in.

The Essay #3

                Escape, is a word we all know. Some days we need to escape from life and sometimes we don’t. When we do feel the need to escape from life, we usually do that with vacations and even our dreams. Sometimes even if we are really stuck, we wish for a way out, an escape. The short story “No Escape” by Lynn Rosellini is amazing because it shows bravery and selflessness by a person because of a life changing decision.
                When you wish for an escape, it’s usually when you’re having a bad day or your seriously trapped somewhere. I remember a day were I got in so much trouble I got grounded for a week. It first started out as a 3 day punishment, but then a whole bunch of other stuff went wrong and ended up being a week. I was having a horrible day, nothing was going right and that day ended up being Halloween. A lot of people say that it is a funky day where weird things happen but I don’t believe them. Some advice is that if you ever feel that way think about your own, personal happy place.
                This story reminds me of a book I read called “Hell Phone” because in both books the main character wanted to escape. It might have been for different situations or reasons but my point is they both want to escape. In “Hell Phone” this kid needs to escape from his cheap phone he got that is making him do all these things, and the things that he is doing are not good. The phone makes him steal from a store and if he didn’t follow through the person calling him on the phone threaten about his girlfriend. So he really wants to escape from that phone of his.
                Showing selflessness and bravery is amazing when you can’t escape. If you ever have a day were you need to escape from something try to stay calm and just relax. You can get though anything with positive thoughts. Because if you think of the worst, you’ll soon believe the worst and you’ll just end up giving up or giving into whatever is happening.