Tuesday, November 29, 2011


          A person who teases someone else can bring out the worst in the victim. It’s like a ticking bomb inside them that every time they get knocked emotionally and physically they get closer and closer to blowing up and finally one day they just explode and take guard. In the novel “The Outsiders” people get pushed too far and take defense.
            Guarding your own life may cause you take the life away of the person who is taunting you, just like Johnny had to. Johnny was a greaser who in our day we call the “poor kid”. He didn’t have as much as the socs, which we are also known as “rich kids”. The socs think they are all cool and think they have the right to do whatever they want, including picking on the greasers.
            Johnny was teased a lot by a soc named Bob and he almost had beaten Johnny to death. After that near death experience Johnny started carrying a knife on him to protect him in case it ever happen again. Then when Bob came with his friends to tease Johnny and his friend Ponyboy, it drew the line. He got out his knife and slaughtered Bob. It wasn’t intentional but he was getting beaten up. What else was there to do when you and your friend are getting harassed to death? If I were in his shoes I would most likely do the same thing but like I always say you never know what you’re going to do unless you’re in the situation in real life.
            Sadly Johnny died in a church fire that Bob’s friends lit to get there revenge on him. Ponyboy was heartbroken, his best friend just died. It’s not like it was an accident, it was on purpose and no one got punished. How would you feel being burned to death? My guess is not good, because I know I wouldn’t be feeling the best at the moment.
            Life is a gift for all of us. To be able to find love and have friends and fun times and possible even fulfill our dreams. But if we treat life with disrespect then karma will come for you. You have to be grateful for what you have because there are many others out there who aren’t as lucky and don’t have a place to stay or nothing to eat.  

Friday, November 18, 2011


            When someone looks sane are they really? They can come off normal but really be insane. You can never actually know someone because people change all the time from good to bad or vice versa. This is the same thing as being ordinary to turning crazy. In the short story “The Tell-Tale Heart,” by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator is a crazy individual.
            It’s plain and simple for why he is crazy and it’s because he killed someone. Unless it was self defense and there was no other option but in this case there was another option. He didn’t have to kill someone instead he should have talked to a therapist about his emotions and possible visions. He made it sound like he was enjoying it, now which is one seriously messed up person.
            The narrator is a crazy human being. To suffocate someone is just not right for another person to enjoy. It’s like saying you can do whatever you want and get away with it. Don’t people know the laws? Haven’t you ever heard if you have a problem with someone go talk to them about it? Or if you have been feeling weird, like you need to kill someone, or commit suicide, you should go talk to someone? Next time if this happens, and I hope It doesn’t, try talking to someone please it would star t by saving the world a little trouble one step at a time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nothing Gold Can Stay

 -Author's Note: This is my opinion of what "nothing gold can stay" means. I would like feed back on if you agree with my opinion or not.

Nothing gold can stay means to me that you can be really happy at one period in time but the later your world comes crashing down. This relates to the "The Outsiders" characters because the greasers will be chilling and being happy but then the soc come by them and start picking on them. It turned a gold moment into a blue moment.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Darry - summery

Darry has light blue green eyes, sandy brown red hair and is tall. He is the oldest out of three brothers and his younger brothers are Sodapop and Ponyboy. He takes the parent role because he doesn't have any parents. I think he will die later in the book because there will be a twist.


Ponyboy likes Cherry but there is a problem. Cherry is a Soc and Ponyboy is a greaser. They are in different gangs.