Monday, May 21, 2012

The Lottery

There are a lot of things in the story that symbolize something such as the black box that was black and represents death. The stones are another big one because they were used in the end of the book to kill whoever won the lottery. They didn't have good leadership and that's why people were murdered because of the lottery. A woman named Tessie showed up later and ironically she was the one who won the lottery and got stoned to death.So for the next time you are late or speak when you shouldn't, remember karma will find you and hunt you down and you could end up dead or maybe you might just lose both of your hands.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The last Lonely Flower

            I'm all alone now; everyone else is gone. All my family and friends and even the people I'm not so fond of. I am a flower and the last one in this big flower bed with no one to talk to, play with, just nothing to do in general. Why am I the last one to be picked? I'm just as pretty of a flower as the others. Right? Or am I still left her all alone because everyone is better than me? I can't change for other people because I am who I am and that might be the reason now one picked me. One of my friends, Bailey,  had 5 different people fighting over her to see who would pick her. Another one of my friends Navy had 4 different guys fighting over her also to see who would pick her. Oh and don't let me forget my friend Tani who had this dude pick her and then the dude quickly ran away before anyone else could snatch her up. But no, nothing like this happened to me.

            I was the only flower to get picked the put back into the ground because the dude that picked like this other flower and he tried to have both of us but it wasn't working out so when he told me about the other flower he put me back in the ground. I was so sad and he had the nerve to come back and take me again then he put me back in. You might think that is bad but then he came back one more time and picked me and then I thought everything was going to be fun and great this time but then he put me back in the ground and now I'm here all by myself with no one but my sad helpless self.

            Why am I the one that gets left here all alone? I'm just as fun, just as pretty, and just as nice as everyone else. At least I think. What's wrong with me that nobody has chosen me? That nobody fights over me. I guess until I find out what is wrong with me I will be her in this huge flower bed all by myself.