Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dear Casey,

            You need to work on batting because you could have been a hero and win the game or get runs in but no you had to strike out (climax). You were losing since the beginning and you had the chance to win but you struck out causing you to lose the game when all you needed to do is hit the ball without getting out.
            Maybe you should work on your swing at practice more because one strike is ok, but when you have two (rising action), it’s time to really focus and hit the ball. Only hit the ball if it’s in the strike zone because you don’t want to go for a ball because if you get four balls then you get a walk which means you get to go to first without hitting the ball.
If you are still having trouble then you need some serious help, maybe you should ask your coach if you don’t understand or if there is something I missed or forgot to tell you. It would be cool if you were able to get Ryan Braun and Prince Fielder’s help. Good luck and do better next time!


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