Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Invisible Part Two

Wednesday February 15th, 2011
            As I walk to the doors to the school, I’m looking in my backpack for my phone that I can’t seem to remember where I put it. As I walk through the doors, I bump into someone and our stuff drops and mixes together.
            I bend down on my knees, to help sort and pick up the stuff, I tell the person “I’m so sorry!”
            “It’s fine, it was an accident, but we gotta stop meeting like this.”
            Of course I didn’t even look to see who I bumped into because I was so focused on picking up the stuff that dropped to the floor like it was hot. I look up and see Luke sorting our stuff. I did a little flirtatious laughed and said “Agreed.”  
            “So, since we keep meeting like this do you want to hang out during lunch or a free period? For lunch we can leave the school and go out somewhere like Panera,” he said in a sweet voice. I didn’t know what to say, I mean I want to say yes, but not sound desperate at the same time.
            “Um, sure let’s go to Panera,” I said in the best way I could not to sound so out there.
            “Great meet you by your locker around, let’s say, 11:15?”
            “That’s perfect, see you then!” when he walked away to go by his friends he gave me a charming smile. I wanted to tell Avery so bad, but she was at home sick, but I know she was faking it so she can go on a date with her date to the dance, who is now her boyfriend. I’m so happy for her. I would call her up, but I’ll let her focus on her date with Alejandro.
            It’s now about 11:13 and I’m waiting by my locker. I put on my jacket and fix my hair and organize my locker a little bit more. After all that it's 11:15 and I see Luke walking this way. I’m so excited his eyes are just so attractively big and blue.
            “Hey girl, ready to go?” He said happily.
            “Yeah,” I said not knowing what else to say.
            “Cool, if you don’t mind we’ll go in my car,”
            “That’s fine with me!”
            We get to Panera, and order our food. We chatted about school, while waiting for our food to come, and I do, but yet don’t want the dance to come up in our conversation. Our food gets here and he talks about where he came from and I talked about how I’ve lived here in Pewaukee my whole life. Then the “topic” came up. He started talking about how his old school didn’t have any dances. Then he asked me if I was planning on going. I got so nervous and said, “I don’t know it depends,”
            “Depends on what?” he asked me.
            “It depends if all my friends have a date and I don’t,” I said quietly.
            “Well I can solve your problem for you if you want?” I hope I didn’t sound desperate because I didn’t mean it like that.
            “What do you mean?” I asked him.
            “I’ll be your date. In fact I’ve been waiting the whole week to ask you.” he said
            “Yeah… so, will you go to the Valentine’s Dance with me?”
            “I would like that” I said happily.
            Wow! Who would have thought I would be going to the dance with the hot new guy Luke? After that we talked about things we like and dislike and had a spectacular time before we had to head back to school.

Thursday February 16th, 2011
            This morning I woke up happy as can be while getting ready for school. I normally am not a morning person, but today nothing can make me feel down in the dumps. Now I’m off to school looking forward to a magnificent day a head.
            I go to my locker to get my stuff and while I open it a note falls out. I pick it up and open it and it was a small poem and note from Luke!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I can’t wait
To dance with you!
I’m looking forward to going to the dance with you tomorrow. I’ll meet you by your locker today before lunch so we can eat and talk about it together.                                 –Luke

          Awe this is so cute, and unexpected! I’m speechless I have no idea what to say or think! I see Avery walking towards me
            “Hey sweet thang” she says as we give each other a friendly hug.
            “Hey Booga la boo,” I replied. 
            “So how was it yesterday since I was sick?” asked Avery.
            “First of all you weren’t sick you little faker,” I said while laughing.
            “It went great I went to Panera yesterday during lunch with Luke and he asked me to go to the dance with him!”
            “Taylor! I’m so happy for you! It’s extraordinary! I told you it would happen. Didn’t I call it or what?”
            “You called it,” I admitted while we did our happy dance.
            “So what did the note say?”  Avery asked. I showed it to her and she thought it was so romantic.
            “We should get to class before we get a lunch detention” I said. It would not be good if I get a lunch detention because then I can’t talk to Luke at lunch.
            It is now lunch and I go to my locker to put my books away and get all prettied up before Luke comes. I fix my hair and put on more lip gloss and then I see him walking toward me. He is so cute that when he is walking towards me it’s like in a movie where the hot guy is walking in slow motion and does a hair flip then a big smile with a sparkle in his teeth. When I see him I can’t help but smile.
            “Hey, ready to go?” he asked.
            “Heck yeah” I said being funny. We walk to lunch together telling each about our day and when we get our lunch and sit down we start to talk about the sophomore valentine’s dance we are going to.
            “For the dance do you want me to pick you up around 5:30 because the dance is at 7 and since it’s my first dance I would like to get there early?” he asked politely.
            “Sounds perfect,” I answered.
            For the rest of lunch we just chatted about things we do and what we like to do and other things like that. While he is talking to me I look at his eyes and they are beautiful blue eyes that go perfectly with is blonde hair.
Lunch is now over and he walks me to my class like the gentlemen he is. I wave goodbye, and take a seat to prepare for the next hour and a half of nothing but boringness taught by Mr. Long. The only way I can get through this is thinking about Nathan and me at the dance tomorrow night.

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